Monday, March 7, 2016

Trump - Saturday Night Live

This segment from SNL is so spot-on about Trump (first 3 minutes, but the whole thing is funny), it's crazy. The scary thing is that while it's hilarious, it's extremely accurate. This is how Trump really is when he speaks. Everyone loves him, he kicks people out, etc. He always says a whole lot of nothing at the debates and his events. He always repeats the same phrases and cliches and it seems like the whole thing to him is one big show. I mean, how many previous presidential candidates have joked about their penis size?

But that's why he receives the most attention from the likes of FOX and CNN, because while they may not always agree with what he says, he's always entertaining and provides plenty of material. Trump grabs people's attention, both good and bad. Not too many news outlets have publicly expressed their dissatisfaction as a corporation, because it simply wouldn't be a good business move to not cover his campaign at all.

Like John Oliver, SNL does a great job of both spoofing Donald Trump for comedic purposes, but actually keeping the viewer up-to-date with what's happening with both the Republican and Democratic races, if they haven't otherwise paid attention.

1 comment:

  1. SNL has been doing great political satire for many years; this actor was born to play Trump.
