Thursday, March 10, 2016

Trump and Kids (Maria Sanchez)

A lot of people look for the reaction of one another as well as their opinion when it comes to Donald Trump, but not everyone is into what the young minds have to say. I found a YouTube video where they show kids reacting to interviews, advertising videos...etc. where Trump its at his natural habitat. I must say i do agree with what the kids are say, "Donald Trump should not be president" and as i have been saying from the beginning "if he wins, i will be moving to another country; to a whole other planet if i could". it is just so hard for me to understand how someone in this point in time can still be so racist and ignorant. I think politics should be given the respect and importance. The job that has to be done as a president is quite delicate and should not be given to someone who thinks that this is a spotlight where is all about him or a form of a talk show.. he should go create a his own personal talk show, i think he will be much more successful than as president; besides, that is the reason a lot of people love him already, not for the potential to even create or finish his own sentences. He lacks far more than this.

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