Thursday, March 10, 2016

Donald Trump discussed at Democratic Debate on Wednesday

Is Donald Trump Racist? What Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Said During Democratic Debate

Last night's democratic debate delved into the topic of Donald Trump and racism. Both Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders agreed that Trump's past attacks on Mexicans, Muslims, and women have made him unsuitable for the presidency.

I think Trump's views on these particular issues speak volumes about the kind of person he is, especially when it comes to immigration policies. He's willing to deport every illegal immigrant, "build a wall" on the Mexican border, wants to ban Muslims from living in the country, and will refuse to accept Syrian refugees. Is this the kind of president we want to run our country?

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of amazing that he is still in the race, given his appalling comments on so many different issues; but he racism issue seems to be magnified by the behavior at some of his rallies, where people of color have been assaulted.
