Monday, March 7, 2016

Trump embarrassment (Sophia Uhl)

I searched for articles from news corporations that challenged Trump's controversial campaign. I was shocked to come across an article on the right-winged entitled "Donald Trump and America's Sewer Politics: A Campaign Beyond Embarrassment." This was published on March 1st by op-ed columnist Cal Thomas. I was under the impression that Fox News would support Trump's presidential bid, considering the outlet's conservative ideals and policies. Yet, the organization released this article in order to emphasize the fact that they do not agree with his tactics and flip-flopping tendencies. The author writes that "Trump's horrid statements," including his "personal insults and hurtful accusations" of Rubio and Cruz are an immense embarrassment to the Republican Party. The reporter considers Trump to be an ignorant villain who does not properly represent the views of his party. The last paragraph highlights the author's and news corporation's overall rejection of Trump. Thomas writes that if voters are forced to vote between Clinton and Trump, they may have to support the lesser of two evils, Hillary Clinton. I was extremely surprised to learn that Fox News actually alluded to the fact that Clinton is a better choice for the presidency. Trump's candidacy has made a Fox News writer a Clinton supporter! Fox News' shocking rejection of Trump reveals the hatred of the nominee among the right-winged news media.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the GOP hates Trump and is trying so hard to get rid of him! Trump was a democrat before so, he has always been a flip-flop and now he realized how to play conservatives to vote for him. But the party itself... can't stand him.
