Thursday, March 10, 2016

Donald Drumpf

I find it a little ridiculous and frankly cowardly that so many people are threatening to move out of the country if Donald Trump is elected president. What that says is "I'll live here, only as far as I get what I want." This is the definition of American Exceptionalism. Right now there are thousands of refugees struggling to get to safety in the United States, and while the next president may have a huge impact on the numbers of those who actually do  make it (from Syria for example), that doesn't mean that the next president will be the end all, be all. There are balanced powers in our government which make sure that a single person cannot do much to change the outlook of the country. In 2016, 88% of the congressional seats are up for grabs- which means that it isn't the presidential election that will dictate how the next four years go, but rather the House and Senate races that will. Congress is the group that passes or vetoes anything proposed. If you believe that Donald Trump is going to build a wall, you better know that he has a lot of hurdles to jump before he can even get such a bill on the floor. If young people organize and vote, they can have a huge impact on the election. Millenials are starting to outnumber baby boomers, which means if they turn out to vote, millenials will have a huge impact on the way seats are awarded in D.C.
If you at all care about the future of this country then go out, phone bank, and register people to vote! Do research on the congressional nominations and vote for people who support your ideals best. Do not let a pop-culture icon dictate the way you'll live your life.
It is interesting to note that immigrants are contributing to the influx of Millenials more than any other group! This stat may support the fact that the Donald Trump campaign is trying to divide the Millenial demographic with his xenophobic philosophy. Additionally, the Trump campaign seems to also be trying to divide the Hispanic and Black American demographics through smear ads.


  1. A lot of people don't realize, like you said, that the President doesn't have be all, end all power to change the country. Congress actually holds most of the power. Donald Trump, if he becomes President, won't be able to make any wild decisions by himself. While I think having him as the President would be crazy, everyone likes to overreact.

  2. I don't think their actually , going to move out of the country. I think their just saying that for dramatic effect. You can't just pick up your bags and go to Canada.
    However, if he did become President, minorities would be in trouble. He had made fun of minorities on numerous occasions. Other countries would also hate him as a President, and terrorists would definitively want to kill us more, if he becomes President.
